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Have you ever peed in the pool? And should rowing get in on the jokes?
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A massively blurred photo of OF SOMEONE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT NOW! that we took down this spring

Ed Hewitt

July 23, 2013
I came across this youtube video posted by Universal Sports.  Universal is the cable TV outfit that focuses on "Olympic and lifestyle sports," and which previously did a lot of the live feeds for international rowing events, and found it really refreshing.

As I field nearly all of the mail that comes into row2k, over time I have occasionally started to think that our own community has squashed our previously extremely reliable sense of humor concerning this kind of thing, and that more often if we post a photo of someone standing up in a boat, possibly doing something that elite swimmers talk about on video, i receive an email stating something along the lines of "TAKE DOWN THAT PHOTO OF SOMEONE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT NOW!"

Instead of always taking DOWN THAT PHOTO OF SOMEONE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT NOW!, do you think row2k should indulge in this kind of silliness more often?  Or that all of us should do so?  I know stuff goes viral, and that sometimes one person's mirth is another's misery, and that at least these swimmers get to be in on the joke, but it still sometimes seems the needle has swung too far to the PC side of the scale.

What do you think?

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