row2k results
High School/Scholastic: Girls Eights
May 10, 2014; Methuen, MA - Merrimack River

Submitted by Dale Hurley.

Distance: 1650 meters
Conditions: Slight cross tail, flat water,and all races were started from stake boats.
Comments: This competition between Andover, Exeter,and Tabor for the "David Swift Points Trophy" is awarded to the team that performs the best in the top 4 boats in both girls and boys races. For second year in a row the Team points trophy was a tie between the Andover and Exeter teams. Andover would like to thank Exeter, Northfield Mount Herman, and Tabor for coming up to race today. *In G4 race NMH caught a crab after the first 1.5 minutes of race - recovered and then finished the race.*


Exeter 5:17.07
Andover 5:20.9
Tabor 5:21.5
NMH 5:32.9

Exeter 5:21.8
Andover 5:34.5
NMH 5:39.5
Tabor 5:42.1

Exeter 5:30.2
Andover 5:35.04
Tabor 5:59.6
NMH 6:07.3

Andover 5:48.6
Exeter 6:01.3
NMH 6:13.2

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