row2k Book exclusives
May 10, 2024
"Because there's blood everywhere!" - an excerpt from Views from the Referee Launch, Tom Mannle's book in progress  more

This is Chapter 2 of Brent Haney's new book Answering The Call - A Memoir of Rowing on the Potomac and Muskingum Rivers  more

We will be publishing two chapters of Brent Haney's new book Answering The Call - A Memoir of Rowing on the Potomac and Muskingum Rivers; see the Table of Contents, intro materials, and Preface here  more

Respect for your opponent. Respect for what you and he or she just accomplished. Respect for what each of you put into it. Respect for taking part in one of the greatest sports in the world.  more

We, the Brown Cinderella Crew, are passing a pier on the Severn River in Annapolis. The old fisherman up top calls down to us.  more

If you lay back fast enough in a middling crab the handle may strike you once on the chest and once on the nose or forehead before it snags alongside of the boat.  more

As the afternoon final for the varsity heavies approached, the headwind from the morning events reasserted itself and, unusually, a rather thick fog descended on the race course in Princeton.  more

All Brown crews are rough water crews.  more

Either Mouse in the stern or Whitey from his motorboat tired of correcting our mistakes said to exaggerate our personal mistake whatever it was. In a moment as sudden as a thunderclap the crew came together.  more

In 1976, our coxswain Bruce Larson played an oversized role in helping the '76 varsity to our undefeated record.  more

Neither of these persons knew that Marsh jumped his slide, which would have been the end of the season for us except that Marsh was an engineer and figured out how to get his seat back on its track.  more

Tom Bolles came up to us on the Boston side of the Charles and said, "You fellows might have won that race if you weren't so long at the catch that you were pressing your gunwales together."  more

Flash back several days to when we were still undefeated... Each year, all the huge crews at the IRA would turn up early in Syracuse for a week of intense preparation for the culminating three-mile race  more

To find out how an eight-oared crew really feels, one wouldn't want to interview at either end where the people tend to be too smart-- true density lies in the middle  more

"Their three-man's passed out! Half a mile to go... get em!!!"  more

I used to tell girlfriends that if a shoulder went out in one direction somebody else's elbow went out in the opposite direction thus keeping the boat balanced and level  more

I can never forget rowing along on the Potomac when I heard Charlie's bullhorn amplified voice from almost half a mile away. "Number four," it said, "Press down your right knee more."  more

In the picture of us throwing Mouse into the Schuylkill you can see Bill in the foreground giving the thumb's up to Whitey, who took the shot.  more

"Gentlemen," he asked. "How did we get so fast?"  more

Anybody who rows will tell you that how you get in the water and how you get out are two separate questions that are absolutely crucial.  more

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