Equipment & Hacks
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There is still a whole lotta erging going on, whew  more

The morning I should have drowned was a chilly fall day. It was wicked early, and I was in my launch, checking buoys for a race.  more

Trailer Trick: The Handle Handler
June 25, 2020
Time for a bit of a Rowing Hacker Confession: we don't make all of this up ­ and some of our most interesting Hacks are straight up, um, borrowed from way smarter folk.  more

11 things to remove from (or hide in) your boathouse now  more

The Megaphone Cooler Hack keeps your megaphone (and other gear) dry and intact in all conditions  more

The equipment you count on to glide you through the water is lounging away in a rowing rack almost its entire life. Make sure the racks equipment rest on are up to the job.  more

One of the oldest re-purposing hacks out there, turning a length of PVC tube into a bend-proof back stay holder that will survive a lifetime of trips.  more

Someone has to tell you—your boat straps hate you. And even worse... they will get revenge! Here is how to head off the otherwise inevitable strap failure  more

Rowing Hacks: Erg-Spacing Rope
June 4, 2020
Proper and consistent spacing between ergs is always a good idea, but probably a bit moreso now  more

Nothing is quite as unexpected, ego-busting, and damaging as a racing shell crashing to the ground when a boat sling collapses.  more

Coach Trick: The Boat Box
May 28, 2020
The Boat Box is pretty much what it sounds like: a plastic bin labeled with the name of the boat it belongs to, filled with everything that boat needs to be de-rigged and transported.  more

Investing time and effort into oar maintenance today will help you have less hassles and better rowing tomorrow.  more

The ultimate refinement of this hack: Goose Line Poles (and - finally - finds a use for all the 7/1 oarlock bushings lying around)  more

Rowing Hacks: The Gunwale Guard
May 14, 2020
Save your straps from the gunwales with a gun'l guard  more

As we twiddle our thumbs waiting for rowing to resume this is a perfect time to check that you are insurance-ready  more

Update your Launch Safety Cards with new names and numbers every season  more

Rowing Hacks: Wrench Carabiner Redux
April 24, 2020
An update to the Wrench Carabiner hack from Caitlin Trottier (with a nod to the Team Wrench Box idea)  more

Often we have to row with marginal equipment. Making the best of what we have at hand. Making do, if you will. However, bad things can happen when we make do; here is a four-step plan to improve the equipment you have  more

For our next trip in the 'way-back-hack' machine, we have one straight from the folks who most like to be left alone at the boathouse in the first place: the boatmen  more

In the fourth of a series of articles designed to help coaches, athletes, and programs through this extremely rough patch, row2k is working with Mike Davenport to cross-post the information he generates from the effort.  more

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