Reader Contributions
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November 7, 2011
A poem by Rose Ehrlich, a senior who rows two-seat for the Mount Saint Joseph varsity eight. She wrote this poem to read to her team mates at the boat talk before her final Head of the Charles rowing for the Mount.  more

Gently Down the Stream
October 10, 2011
I was a coxswain at Merion Mercy Academy in Philadelphia for the past 4 years of high school, so when asked to write a definition paper for my english class, naturally, I defined the word "crew". The meaning came upon me during last years Head of the Charles regatta, so I felt it necessary to share it with the rowing world headed to Boston this year.  more

Letter from St. Petersburg
Golden Blades, the race
June 14, 2011
The long Russian winter has given way to a warm Russian spring.  more

Letter from St. Petersburg
Golden Blades, post-race
June 13, 2011
Win or lose, racing was over, fair enough. Dinner at the hotel, decent and plentiful.  more

7am Warmup in Oak Ridge
April 18, 2011
Junior rower Hannah Weiss bring us this essay, about her "first ever row before dawn" in Oak Ridge, TN.  more

Rowing with Volcanoes
March 21, 2011
When I told my friends that I was traveling to Antigua this winter, they “oohed” and “ahhed” and immediately conjured up visions of the Caribbean island by that name, located in the Bahamas. When I informed them that the Antigua I meant was actually a landlocked city located within the third-world country of Guatemala, their envious smiles quickly faded to blank stares..  more

6 am Practice
March 1, 2011
Junior lightweight rower Samantha Brecht makes her second contribution to row2k with a poem on the everyday early morning practices that help her crew to their goals  more

Winter Rowing...A Cautionary Tale
December 14, 2010
One winter’s morn the cry went out,
“This morning we will row!”  more

I Bought Myself an Erg for Christmas
December 13, 2010
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, except for a spouse  more

Masters Nationals...The Final Day
August 15, 2010
There is one more day at Masters Nationals before the pack up, and loading frenzy begins.  more

Masters Nationals - Day Two
August 14, 2010
As day two began, so did the wind. Rowers were greeted by a 15-20 m.p.h. headwind, and a bit of a dust bowl feeling (a precursor to next years nationals in Oklahoma?).  more

Masters Nationals...Day One
August 13, 2010
This year, I'm sweep rowing in addition to sculling, and for the first time I feel like part of a crew team  more

Reflections from a Rogue Rower
July 20, 2010
It's on, baby. For me that means forgetting that I am now in the third race of my entire two-year illustrious rowing career, rowing against men who collectively have sixty-years (or more) rowing experience. My start sucks...  more

RBC Horrorshow: Halloween on the Charles
November 2, 2009
I get all misty eyed thinking of the 30-deep field for the Armada Cup Boston: a Hawaiian tourist here, a bumble bee there-oh look, there's a dude in gold sequined flashdance 4ss pants! And what's this? What do my keen ears detect? Could it be the Bee Gees' "Stayin Alive" drifting out across the field?  more

Masters Nationals; Post Mortem
August 20, 2009
Despite the emotional roller coaster that racing is, I was more than surprised about some of the stories and some of the scenes I either witnessed or heard about  more

Masters Nationals... Live Update
August 14, 2009
While most of the rowing community is focusing on the upcoming World Championships in Poland, the elder members of USRowing are slugging it out in Camden, NJ  more

A Master’s View on Aging
July 15, 2009
Someone, in their infinite wisdom, decided that I was physically capable to compete against other women rowers that were as much as six years younger than I  more

Blood Over Water
June 5, 2009
We just survived Mothers Day. Fathers Day is only a week or two away. What's sorely missing is "Brothers Day." The battle between brothers, the love between brothers, the loyalty between brothers, this is the stuff of life and, occasionally, the stuff of legend.  more

Row, Row, Row Your Boat
May 25, 2009
Junior lightweight rower Samantha Brecht makes her row2k debut with an essay on high school rowing in Philadelphia from the rower's perspective  more

The 2K
April 22, 2009
If you are one who participates in the "legendary" sport called crew, you certainly know the one aspect that is dreaded by all, the 2k.  more

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