Reader Contributions
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Before Sunrise
February 15, 2006
Standing shove off the dock, as my butt hits the seat I hear over the coxbox that today's workout is warmup to the top of the river, and a three mile headrace all the way down, rating 30.  more

Early Morning
September 22, 2005

Coxswains Can Fly
May 23, 2005
This is not the story of a first practice, or a novice race, or a monster crab. No.  more

An Ode to the 8
April 27, 2005
Heavy, outdated, full of wood/You gave us the best that you could.  more

The High School Rowing Life
March 29, 2005
My friends think I’m crazy.  more

The Colgate Snow Coxed Four
February 17, 2005
Ready all - melt - please...  more

Sully's Rowing Christmas Carols
December 23, 2004
Since nobody ever knows second verses of the real carols anyway, I went with single verse and chorus.  more

Torque gets first!!!
June 28, 2004

Otter Attacks Coaching Staff
April 7, 2004
Otter terrorizes rowing coaches, film at 11.  more

Rubberband Girl
February 9, 2004
Since I'm not one of the lucky few to live in such pleasant climes as California or Georgia, I made do with the erg.  more

Rowing in Iraq
February 6, 2004
Letter from Iraq, Diane F. Godorov, D.O. CPT MC, US Army  more

Upon Schuykill's Flows
November 20, 2003
with apologies to Robert Herrick's poem Upon Julia's Clothes  more

A crab in the life of a novice eight
October 16, 2003
Whoah, Coach never told me that could happen.  more

September 10, 2003
When you fully commit to something, all sorts of things fall into place.  more

Blackout: In NYC, Life Imitates Rowing
August 20, 2003
I weaved my way through blackened silhouettes. It was then that another memory came to mind. Rowing home.  more

Go West
March 5, 2003
Gone West: A new river, a new club, new sensations  more

The Worst Erg Music
February 19, 2003
Stop asking me why we build castles in the sky - I'm trying to erg!  more

A Rowing Billet-Doux
December 19, 2002
Darling...  more

Shakespeare on Morning Practices
December 18, 2002
To bed, or not to bed: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to linger
Twixt sheets and pillows of luxurious fortune,
Or to take oars to row a sea of honors,
And by stroking win them? To row--or sleep...  more

What Game Are They Playing?
December 13, 2002
"The lessons of life are learned on the playing fields. Camus said that the only context in which he really learned ethics was sport. Athletes compete, deal.with winning and losing, bond with and resolve conflicts with teammates. They learn to manage their time and multitask. All of this makes them successful in life."  more

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